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Intracoastal offers custom workshops in several areas of nonprofit development including grant writing, budget development, strategic planning, board development, and program evaluation. Workshops typically run 3-6 hours and can be customized to meet your organization’s specific needs. Fees vary depending on travel expenses and the scope of the workshop.



Raising the funds to accomplish your agency’s mission is a daily reality for nonprofit organizations. An effective grants program will help you establish and maintain vital partnerships and contribute to the growth and sustainability of your organization.


To successfully compete for limited grant dollars, your organization must present grant proposals that are clear and compelling, and that provide funders with what they are asking for. Intracoastal provides grant writing workshops that are useful for both beginning and experienced grant writers from all types of nonprofit organizations. Our grant writing workshops are especially effective for in-house development personnel that want to improve their proposal writing skills. We offer public workshops and customized workshops that are designed to optimally serve the unique needs of the client.



A board has a specific set of duties and responsibilities. In order for a board to effectively contribute to the success and sustainability of the organization, they require a corresponding set of knowledge, skills, and resources. Intracoastal can customize workshops or retreats help your board develop a consistent and effective message, work effectively as a team, collaborate with staff, define roles and responsibilities,  and engage in organizational planning and fundraising. Each workshop is customized to address the unique needs of each client. Also, please read about our additional Board Development Services.





An operational budget is a financial reflection of your organization’s strategic plan for that year. Although a budget is a projection of what you are planning to do (not what you’ve done), it should be based on realistic assumptions, not wishful thinking. Simply put, your budget should be a focused, reality-based reflection of what your organization is planning to accomplish that year, and should be easily understood by the people in your organization and current and potential funders.


A good budget will give you an effective tool to monitor activity throughout the budget year and give funders the information they need in an uncomplicated format. Funders often lament that many of the budgets they receive are too cumbersome and vague, or that they simply don’t provide the information the funder is looking for. This can and does influence funding decisions, especially in the highly competitive world of grants.


Intracoastal budget development workshops are designed to give nonprofit organizations the knowledge and tools they need to develop effective budgets that clearly and accurately reflect the strategic plan of the organization. We will lead you through the entire budget development process as you move toward the finished product: a clear, uncomplicated budget that guides your efforts during the budget year and gives funders the information they need.



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