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Does Intracoastal provide a discounted fee to nonprofit organizations? Do you ever donate your services for a good cause?

Although the majority of work we do is for nonprofit agencies, Intracoastal is a for-profit business and our fees are generally the same for all clients, including nonprofits. All of our clients are involved in excellent causes and contribute valuable services to their communities, but we do not donate our services.


Does Intracoastal have a special relationship with funders?

Bringing in funds to your organization is all about building relationships. While Intracoastal will support you in building those relationships, your relationship with the funder is what’s important, not ours. You are the face of your organization. Intracoastal simply gives you the tools to aid in the relationship-building process, while remaining behind the scenes.


Can anyone qualify for a grant?

No. The vast majority of grants are made to nonprofit, tax-exempt, 501(c)3 organizations or public agencies. For-profit businesses and individuals do not generally qualify for grant money. Some exceptions to this rule involve various green energy projects, university and corporate research and technology projects, and scholarships or fellowships for individuals.


Can a grant writer be paid from the proceeds of a grant?

No. Awarded grant dollars cannot be used to pay a grant writer. It is often illegal and always considered unethical to pay a grant writer from the proceeds of a grant. Grant preparation fees are usually paid from an agency's operational funds.


Does Intracoastal offer grant writing workshops?

Yes. Intracoastal offers grant writing workshops for the general public as well as customized grant writing workshop services to nonprofit agencies that have in-house development personnel. Our customized workshops are designed to meet the specific needs of the client, whether your aim is to increase the effectiveness of your grant seeking efforts or to address specific questions or concerns.


Why should I hire a philanthropic advisor? Why shouldn’t my lawyer or accountant guide my philanthropy?

While lawyers and accountants play important roles in wealth management, philanthropic advising is a professional specialty that requires specific knowledge in impactful grant making, program structure and evaluation, and mission driven strategic planning. Intracoastal will work closely with you and your most trusted financial advisors to meet your philanthropic goals.


I know I want my charitable donations to make a difference, but I’m not sure where to start. Can Intracoastal help me?

Yes. Intracoastal will help you identify and articulate your core values and then develop a philanthropic strategy that reflects those values and makes impactful change in a way that is personally meaningful to you or to your family.


How hard is it to start a nonprofit? Can Intracoastal help?

Starting a nonprofit organization requires a great deal of work and careful planning and should not be considered lightly. The process includes researching your chosen field in order to avoid unnecessary duplication of services already offered by another agency; forming your founding board of directors and defining their roles; completing all the required paperwork for both the state and federal governments and creating your founding documents (such as bylaws and articles of incorporation); and creating a strategic plan for fundraising and agency operations and policies. Intracoastal can help with any or all phases of this process.


Our organization is so disorganized, which makes it hard to fulfill our mission. What can Intracoastal do for us?

Problems with organizational structure and effectiveness are more common than you might think. Whether your organization is facing multiple challenges (rapid growth, a disengaged board, staff problems, ineffective fundraising) or preparing for a significant change (program expansion, a new Executive Director or strategic plan, a shift in focus), Intracoastal can guide you through identifying and clarifying problems and design solutions that will improve your organizational function and performance.


Our organization doesn’t have a board-approved budget, which is hindering our ability to raise funds. Can Intracoastal help us?

Yes. Having a clear and realistic budget gives you an effective tool to monitor activity throughout the budget year and gives funders the information they need in an uncomplicated format. Intracoastal can work with your organization’s executives and/or accounting staff to develop clear, concise operation and program budgets for your agency.

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